Everybody has come together in restaurant Andronov to celebrate the wedding of Nastasia and Fetis.
No love nor fresh marriage bliss at Chekhov's wedding party: the herring and the bread are sour, the lighting is bad, the bride doesn't speak all evening and the general we're all waiting for is late.
Just as the feast is about to get out of hand, somebody calls for music. Exit Chekhov, enter Stravinsky with Les Noces, a marriage ritual that turns the group of actors, singers, musicians and spectators into one big family.
Première and 20 performances at the Zomer van Antwerpen (Summer of Antwerp) festival 2005.
music: Les Noces van Igor Stravinsky
text: Svadba van Anton Tsjechovtekstbewerking: de Roovers / Walpurgis
concept: Judith Vindevogel / de Rooversmuzikale leiding: Filip Rathéscenografie: Stef Depover
costumes: Ilse Vandenbussche m.m.v. Claudine Grinwis Plaat Stultjes en Els Kortleven
cooking TAZ#2013: Vincent Goedemé
acting TAZ#2013: Warre Borgmans, Sara De Bosschere, Robby Cleiren, Bert Haelvoet, Frederik Huys, Luc Nuyens, Sofie Sente en Charlotte Vandermeersch
photograpy: Stef Stessel
musicians (Spectra Ensemble) TAZ#2013: Frank Van Eycken, Bjorn Denys, Wim Konink, Tom Pipeleers, Christiaan Saris, Luc Van Loo, Johan Bossers, Elisa Medinilla en Yutaka Oya
singers (Walpurgis) TAZ#2013: Sylvie Merck, Thaïs Scholiers, Ana Naqé, Eurudike De Beul, Annique Burms, Jeannine Hirzel, Helena De Beul, Nicolas Bauchau, Artem Korotkov, Steven Van Gils, Dick Vandaele, Genadijus Bergorulko, Conor Biggs, Thomas Vanlede en Wilfried Van den Brande